ChatGPT has changed how I journal. In the realm of personal and creative endeavors, few activities are as intimate and reflective as journaling. It is an avenue for exploring our thoughts, processing emotions, and capturing our life journey. Yet, in this age of artificial intelligence (AI), the emergence of ChatGPT has challenged conventional notions of creativity, authenticity and self-expression by offering a new dimension to anything text-related, including journaling and self-reflection.

Beyond the headlines of AI’s existential threat or its societial and economic impacts, how can AI transform the way we understand ourselves, enhance our self-awareness, and redefine our pursuit of personal growth? What is the potential potential impact of ChatGPT on how we perceive ourselves as humans striving for self-understanding, personal growth, and self-expression?

Join me as we (human writer and ChatGPT creative collaborator) explore the uncharted territory of journaling with ChatGPT and uncover the untapped potential it holds for becoming the best versions of ourselves.

When I first encountered ChatGPT, I never imagined it could revolutionize my journaling practice. It seemed counterintuitive to rely on artificial intelligence for deeply personal and creative tasks like journaling. However, this unconventional approach prompted me to delve into the intriguing intersection of AI and self-expression. How can AI transform the way we understand ourselves, enhance our self-awareness, and redefine our pursuit of personal growth? Join me as we explore the uncharted territory of journaling with ChatGPT and uncover the untapped potential it holds for becoming the best versions of ourselves.

I have been using ChatGPT as a partner in journaling and creative writing for several months. By leveraging ChatGPT as journaling companion, I can input an idea, feeling or situation I want to journal on, and ChatGPT offers up dyanmic prompts and reflection questions for me dig into based on what I shared. By inputting my initial reflections and writings into the AI, it generates personalized feedback and unique questions for further exploration.

Instead of using ChatGPT to replace me, ChatGPT has in fact changed me, at least in terms of how I reflect and write. In fact, it has at times enabled me to challenge my assumptions, uncover blind spots, see things from new perspectives and even offered invaluable insights that ultimately have led me to to think twice, cultivate greater self-awarenes and hopefully make better decisions. Much like the magical mirror found in fairy tales, it’s an experience built on an exchange of questions; what you ask of it and how will influence the nature of its responses. fa

New forms of Articificial Intelligence (AI) like ChatGPT and other Large Language Models (LLMs) are often portrayed as either an existential threat potentially foreshadowing human extinction; or as a replacement or substitute for human interaction, potentially eliminating jobs and displacing human creativity too. But what if we consider AI not as a threat nor as a human replacement but instead position AI as a companion? What if instead of devaluating and alienating us from our humanity, AI could actually augment what it means to be human and improve our human thinking and creativity?

Let’s assume that we’ve gotten over the excitement and novelty of AI winning art competitions, fooling teachers with essays or getting it to do some of our everyday work. Let’s also leave aside the hypothetical questions of AI alignment, the existential risk of AI killing us or the very real possibility of job loss due AI too. Instead, let’s take seriously that AI can and will change us as humans and ask ourselves a really big question: How might AI actually improve us as human beings? How might we use AI to think, reflect and become better humans?

Like many I was pretty instantly hooked on ChatGPT following its public release in late 2022. I had previously used and paid for a early form of this type of AI with the company Jasper AI. While Jasper AI offered ad copy and simple blog idea writing, its power and benefit was limited. ChatGPT offered seemingly an endless ability to understand human communication and generate follow-ups in the form of text and conversation. Like many I quickly began to use it for a range of personal and professional tasks, but while I am still amazed by its abilities to do human work, I have became increasingly drawn to ChatGPT as a enabler for thinking, reflection and even creativity.

One somewhat ayptical application where I have found ChatGPT to be incredibly useful is in the realm of journaling. Having engaged in journaling for many years, I have come to appreciate its numerous benefits, ranging from improved mental health and productivity to enhanced creativity. Traditionally, journaling has been regarded as a private practice, where you engage in written or internal dialogue with yourself. This form of self-expression and self-reflection enables you to gain a better understanding of yourself and facilitates personal growth by influencing your behavior and thoughts over time. While it may seem absurd to automate the journaling process with ChatGPT, given its vast knowledge base and ability to generate personalized responses, AI tools like ChatGPT can serve as powerful companions and aids in the journaling journey, particularly as enhancers of introspection.

Introspection describes one’s ability to critically examine one’s own conscious thoughts and feelings. As it relates to cultivating self-awareness and greater introspection, there is potentially a remarkable synergy between AI and journaling, specifically in their ability to complement and enhance each other’s strengths. AI brings a unique set of capabilities, such as data analysis, pattern recognition, and prompt generation, while journaling serves as a conduit for self-reflection and introspection. For example, this feedback cycle can enable me to delve deeper into my aspirations, explore alternative perspectives, and consider new paths I may not have initially contemplated.

When combined effectively, they create a powerful symbiotic relationship that fosters deeper self-awareness. In my own journaling, I’ve found several opportunities to leverage AI already and expect this trend to continue in the future.

In this post, I’ll share how integrating AI tools like ChatGPT into my journaling practice has transformed my approach and expanded my creativity. Framed as companions and collaborators, AI address common challenges in journaling, such as deciding what to write about and getting feedback on thoughts over time. While acknowledging biases and imperfections, I provide a few tips for effectively using AI as part of a journaling practice. Moreover, in ChatGPT’s own words, I share how your AI journaling companion can wear different “hats” by applying multiple personalities or roles to ChatGPT as a journaling aid. Finally, I’ll explore a few ideas on future of journaling with AI, including its potential for greater self-awareness, enhanced human creativity, and transformation.

Evolution of My Journaling Practice: Incorporating AI

I have been journaling for many, many years. Formally, I have been journaling digitally since at least summer of 2016, meaning I have a tracked entry starting then. At the time of writing, I have about 12,000 digital journal entries.

Why and how do I journal? I journal for a number of reasons and potential benefits. Most commonly I journal as a way to get an idea out of my head or explore a recent feeling or experience. I also journal to reflect on my time, activities and goals. Each week during my data-driven weekly review, I pull together some of my key tracking data like time in order to reflect on my past week and plan for the week ahead. As I describe in Journaling for Self-Trackers and Quantified Self Enthusiasts, where I sharing some of my practice, journaling can also represent a form of data capture too. This year I started journaling as a way to jump start my writing habit and help me clarify my thoughts and planning over time. It’s proved instrumental in tackling hard complex problems and goals with nonlinear paths.

Initially, I journaled daily from 2016 to 2019. However, reviewing my data logs, I noticed a decline in my journaling habit, only doing it about twice a month in 2022. As part of my annual review, I made a commitment to write and journal more frequently. To support this, I set up two journaling reminders in my Todoist task tracker for Mondays and Fridays. These specific days allow me to reflect on the week ahead and behind.

So far at roughly the mid-point of 2023, I have digitally journaled approximately 85 times, averaging about every other day. While there were times when daily journaling was crucial, currently journaling 3-5 times per week suits me well.

Like many I was pretty excited by the public unveiling of ChatGPT in late 2022. I had previously been a premium user of Jasper.AI, and while that tool was helpful on limited tasks like ad title variants, its capacities pailed in comparison with ChatGPT. Since the release of ChatGPT, I have incorporated it into various aspects of both my professional and personal life. It has proven invaluable for tasks such as brainstorming and planning product roadmaps, acquiring knowledge in new domains, generating ideas for blog posts, and even enhancing my writing process. Whether I need assistance with ideation, skill development, or refining my content, ChatGPT has become an indispensable tool across multiple areas of my work and personal endeavors.

For me, the first significant “Aha” moment came when I used ChatGPT to explore a sci-fi novel idea I had in my head for a few years. First I used it to explore some key aspects of the physics and answer some open-ended queries related to feasibility. I then used it to generate a rough story pitch and some character ideas. But the real magic happened when I asked it to use a history event as inspiration for the general plot, key events and main characters of my sci-fi novel idea. Specifically how might the construction of the Panama Canal be used to inspire the plot and characters behind constructing a Space Elevator? Based on this back-and-forth on science and history, ChatGPT came up with a novel synthesis of new ideas for developing my novel.

Since then, I continue to use the tool nearly daily as an aid to thinking, planning and documenting my product design and product development work. It’s great for meeting preparation, drafting certain emails and think through interpersonal professional and social challenges. I’ve also used it and similar tools extensively for digital marketing tasks, especially to generate alternative ad copy, draft new blog post titles or offer an initial draft for a topic. As a wide-ranging and constant learner I’ve used ChatGPT think and reflect about books I’m reading. For example, I have on several occassions I have used the following prompt “Can you help me remember and reflect on book I read awhile ago called X. Give me a quick summary and provoke me to remember some ideas via questions.” ChatGPT would then give me a paragraph for context and prime my ability to remember the book through specific questions. As someone who regularly wishes he had someone to discuss books with, ChatGPT has become my own private book club.

I have long experimented with and pondered the intersection of self and technology, often through the lense of the quantified self. Through my on-going blog series on Tracking Everything, I have tried dozens of tracking tools in view of how it modifies my time management, goal tracking, biological self, health pursuits and many other areas. This blog series revealed various challenges related to self-tracking as well as revealed opportunities to change my behaviors and habits and how to use personal data to externalize and visualize life, health and personal pursuits over time.

While some of these experiments were one-off’s, many of these tools and tracking approaches have become integral to my personal form of a tech-mediated life. Especially valuable has been time tracking as an externalization of what do and value. Most of my weekly reviews and goal setting revolve around questions of time management towards hard, nonlinear objectives.

Given my enduring fascination with the data-driven lifestyle and my recent commitment to journaling more consistently, it became a natural progression for my journaling practice to embrace the integration of AI. But what challenges in journaling might ChatGPT and similar LLM address?

Addressing Challenges: How AI Enhances Traditional Journaling

Arguably one of the biggests challenges with journaling is figuring out what to journal about. This might manifest as being totally unsure what to journal on or more tactically on how to journal about a vague thought or questions you have. With its broad knowledge base and tireless ability to respond creatively and patiently to any query, ChatGPT as an journaling companion offers endless inspiration and bottomless responses to reflect and journal about. It can be particularly helpful when you’re unsure about what to journal or when you have a general idea but need an engaging question to get started.

There are many ways to journal. You can journal about your dreams, about goals and personal development, about mental health, about relationships or about your faith or even food. Two common ways to journal are:

  • Daily Reflections - An approach to journaling where you reflect on your day, recounting events, emotions, and lessons learned. One of its chief benefits is cultivating self-awareness and promoting growth.
  • Gratitude Journal - By writing down things you are grateful for each day, it is believed that a gratitude journal can help you cultivate a positive mindset, reduce stress and increase life satisfaction and happiness,

I’ve experimented with Gratitude Journaling in the past, but currently my most common type of journaling is a form of daily reflections where I seek to capture a memory, let go of a stressful thought or ponder a feeling. For me, journaling is a way to express my thoughts and gain clarity by putting them into words.

For me the chief benefit is how ChatGPT can generate personalized and dynamic questions to journal on based on my specific goals and intentions. I often times have a basic idea in mind, but I’m challenged by finding a simple starter question to begin with. I often have a big idea in mind but struggle to think through it more holistically.

For example, on this post, I had a rough idea about writing on my usage of ChatGPT for journaling but I wasn’t quite sure what I would write or what I even cared about. So, even before I started writing this post, I asked ChatGPT to generate several pre-writing questions. These questions generated by ChatGPT were:

  • How has your journaling practice evolved over time, and what led you to explore the use of generative AI chatbots like ChatGPT and Bard?
  • What are some specific challenges or limitations you faced in traditional journaling, and how has the integration of generative AI addressed or improved upon them?
  • Can you provide examples of specific topics or ideas that you’ve explored with the help of generative AI in your journaling practice? How did the dynamic and personalized questions generated by the AI enhance your reflection process?
  • In what ways has incorporating AI chatbots into your journaling routine enhanced your creativity? Can you share any experiences or insights gained from this process?
  • How has the AI-generated questioning process impacted your self-awareness and personal growth? Have you noticed any significant shifts or discoveries in your reflections and thought patterns as a result?

These questions quickly sparked a good stream of consciousness writing session and I ended up with several of the key ideas in this post. By having a few good starter questions that I first journal on have enabled me to more quickly uncover what I want to write about and my motivation behind what I’m writing and thinking about. In fact, several of my recent posts have benefits from this activity.

Similarly when it comes to journaling or learning something, I often start by requesting ChatGPT to “Ask me a few questions to help me think about and reflect on X.” ChatGPT promptly provides me with a list of questions to consider, which helps me draw inspiration from different angles and perspectives. This customized prompt approach has really helped me to explore different angles, questions, and perspectives that I may not have considered on my own, enhancing the depth and breadth of my self-reflection. ChatGPT has become a collaborator and companion for own journaling and writing.

I’ve long wondered about capacity for a journal to understand what we write and to speak or write back. Mirror or Manifest journal app was an app I built at a hackathon focused on the idea that we could journal or say something and that a journaling tool could give us some data or feedback back. The app I built used sentiment analysis (powered by IBM Watson) to determine the mood of a journal entry, which would then get served back to the user. By creating a synergy between a data-driven journaling tool and yourself, hopefully you would journal more often and get more value from your journaling habit, specifically we hypothesized that feedback on previous journals might make you want to journal more often and explore topics over time. For that project the real goal was to enable dynamic prompts. Unfortunately at the time I was building (late 2019), this feature of dynamic prompts was a major technical challenge.

Fast forward a few years, ChatGPT now makes it possible to not only classify and understand what we write but it can offer up conversational feedback on nearly anything we want. Now, it’s possible to share a rough idea of what I want to journal about with ChatGPT, and it can generate personalized prompts and reflection questions almost instantly. Trained on a massive corpus of human language and text, there is seemingly no real limit to what you can converse and write about with ChatGPT and similar LLMs.

Amidst the predominant narrative of ChatGPT as responder and replement for human input, I believe its capacity to generate thought-provoking questions is an underexplored yet highly valuable attribute. ChatGPT can generate questions to help us think. By recognizing these tools as complements rather than substitutes, I have witnessed a remarkable elevation in both my self-awareness and creative receptiveness. Considering this perspective, it prompts us to contemplate how we can optimize ChatGPT’s role as a supportive companion and complement to our journaling practice. How can we effectively harness its question-generating capabilities to enhance our journaling experience and deepen our introspection?

Tips for Using ChatGPT as a Journaling Companion

In the same way there is no one-size-fits-all approach to journaling itself, there is no single way to use AI as an aid and augmentor either. While it is silly to think of it as a tool to replace you yourself journaling, ChatGPT can fill in many interesting roles and dynamic perspectives to improve how and what you journal about.

Arguably one of the most important pieces of advice I can give around using ChatGPT for journaling and creative work is to think of iterative, feedback cycle. Unlike a traditional search engine geared towards giving you a singular answer, ChatGPT for journaling and writing should be used in way that enables you to be a part of what’s created and for you to push back on your writing collaborator.

The goal is to create a collaborative relationship with ChatGPT, meeting of minds of sorts where you both contribute to the journaling process. You push ChatGPT to understand your intentions, while it pushes you to consisider different perspectives, ask yourself questions, explore ideas you may have overlooked or failed to notice.

In practical terms this often means being sure to start by stating what you have in mind and what you intended from the very beginning of the ChatGPT exchange. It also means using your critical thinking and holding true to your unique personal perspective too.

Here are a few tips to consider when using ChatGPT for journaling:

  1. Set Specific Intentions: Define your goals and intentions for using ChatGPT as a journaling companion. This could be done in the actual chat or just something you hold in mind. Determine what you hope to gain from the interaction and the specific aspects of your journaling practice that you want to enhance. Setting intentions when journaling, whether with AI or in general, can enhance your practice and help you cultivate specific goals.
  2. Start with your own words and writing prompts: Begin your journaling session by writing a paragraph or two to set the context. Share your thoughts, feelings, or experiences. This initial input will serve as a foundation for the conversation with ChatGPT.
  3. Seek questions, rather than answers: Ask ChatGPT to generate questions based on your writing. Request open-ended and thought-provoking queries that encourage deeper self-reflection and exploration of your thoughts and emotions. While ChatGPT can provide valuable insights, I find it personally rewarding to reach those insights through a more Socratic method, where I actively engage in self-reflection.
  4. Ignore the irrelevant: ChatGPT can generate a large volume of content and ideas, which can be overwhelming to process. It’s best to focus on what is relevant to you and ignore the rest.
  5. Be Open-Minded: ChatGPT is an advanced form of autocomplete, which can make it feel a bit narrow and biased at times. That said, if pushed beyond the initial batch of responese, ChatGPT may offer insights or perspectives that you hadn’t considered and share completely new ideas. Stay open-minded and receptive to these unexpected responses, as they can provide valuable opportunities for self-discovery and growth. Interestingly I personally find it’s often the second or third batch of questions that can surprise to think differently.
  6. Embrace Creative Prompts that pull and resonate with you: Meaningful journaling and writing often stem from a personal attachment and resonance. Look for prompts and ideas that evoke a strong emotional response and connect with your values and interests. In line with ignore irrelevant and be open minded, it’s important to be pulled by what pulls you, meaning whether it’s a thought in your head or a suggestion from your AI journaling companion, you should be looking for things you notice and ideas you care about.
  7. Experiment with data integrations: As a long-time quantified self adherent and self-tracker, I find data to be a big part of how I think and journal. Each week, for example, I spend 5 to 10 minutes logging my data in order to fuel my weekly review reflection. ChatGPT has the potential to analyze data, and incorporating relevant data or metrics from your life can provide new insights and correlations. Ask ChatGPT to analyze patterns or ask questions based on this data to gain new insights and correlations. This is still area I’m excited to keep trying and experimenting with.
  8. Reflect Critically on Your ChatGPT Interactions: Reflect on the conversation: During and after the interaction with ChatGPT, it’s a good idea to maintain some form of critical assessment. Take some time to reflect on the prompts, questions, and insights provided. Consider how they align with your thoughts and emotions, and integrate any valuable insights into your ongoing journaling practice. Discard the irrelevant prompts and insights while embracing and focusing on what worked and resonated most with you

Beyond these tips, I believe it’s important to maintain a balance approach. The goal is to aid and complement your journaling and self-reflection, not to replace it. Use ChatGPT as way to spark new insights and sprinkle in fresh takes on things you write or journal about often. Consider how it fits with your own personal introspection, i.e. thinking by yourself, or how it might apply to conversations with trusted individuals on the same or similar topics.

AI as a Journaling Companion: How ChatGPT improves value, increases exploration and augments self-awareness

Through journaling with an AI companion, I’ve been able to explore my learning and creative pursuits. Learning and doing anything new comes with a host of challenges, many of which are very specific to where you are comign from and what you are aiming at. While books and blogs can provide helpful resources, they often fall short in providing the precise advice I seek. Using questions and generative AI, I’m able to quickly get into new territory to think through my learnings and deal with my specific creative challenges.

There is indeed a lot of ways in which ChatGPT can get you to a singular answer or specific work or creative deliverable but I think my personal bias in using these tools is to emphasize open-ended questions and pushing the boundaries of thinking with AI tools in terms of expansion, rather than reduction. Basically I want to use these tools to expand my thinking and reconsider my processes and creative approaches regularly.

As a music producer and artist, I constantly face a vast array of choices and possibilities along my creative journey. From determining which areas to focus on in my ongoing learning process to refining my creative approach and making crucial decisions about songs and album projects, navigating through these options can be challenging. During the production of my previous album and my current works, ChatGPT has played a valuable role in supporting my decision-making. It has assisted me in developing a comprehensive checklist to evaluate the readiness of a song for release, as well as provided me with insightful mental models to reflect upon the songwriting and album completion processes. I discuss aspects of this in Creative Organization: How I Used a Spreadsheet to Streamline My Creative Process, Finish Songs Efficiently and Release My Latest Album.

When it comes to reflecting on my week, I have a lot of data. I generally just dump the data and scan it for insights and signficant trends. Having data and charts “grounds” my reflections on past week and week ahead. Generally speaking the data should speak for itself. Using ChatGPT I can feed it my week of data and ask it to give me things to consider and reflect on. The combination of personal data and generative AI for critical thinking and introspection presents a significant opportunity.

Using AI chatbots for my journaling has made me a little less regimented in how I journal. I primarily journal about ideas and projects, with less focus on my personal life and travels. When I have a vague idea I want to journal or blog about, AI bots provide me with questions that serve as invitations to think deeply, rather than simply providing a strict answer. For the sake of authenticity and speaking with own voice and experience, I do not like asking ChatGPT to write for me. Creativity is an open-ended thing and it’s disappointing to see so much content and thinking that shows ChatGPT used so narrowly to churn out same-old-same-old content.

While about 75% of the generated questions are already in line with my thinking, I find it intriguing that in 10-25% of the cases, I receive questions that highlight the narrowness of my initial perspective on a topic or creative pursuit. Pushing it to an unnoticed outlier are amazing opportunities to consider both a singular component for review or the broader outline of a project as a whole. Personally I am much more interested in having good questions that force me to think through why and how, rather than using AI to simply generate a generic response.

Whenever I get stuck on a project or even have questions I am thinking through on my life path, I often now turn to AI to give me good questions to navigate those moments. I might be looking for an answer, but I believe I get greater insights seeking to see myself through questions. ChatGPT has a remarkable ability to help me see things I might have missed or failed to consider. It’s amazing when you get a question that sparks a new way of seeing yourself or imagining a new path.

In conclusion, I believe that we have only begun to tap into the potential of AI chatbots for journaling, personal growth, and creativity.

Embracing Multifaceted Personalities: Enriching Journaling with ChatGPT as Your Companion [Written by ChatGPT]

AIDA NOTE: This section was nearly entirely written by ChatGPT using my prompting. I merely modified it somewhat to better fit the structure and flow.

Within the realm of journaling, a fascinating opportunity presents itself: personifying various personalities as journaling companions. These personas, each with their own unique qualities and perspectives, can breathe new life into our introspective journeys, ushering in creativity, insight, and growth.

But what exactly can ChatGPT offer as a journaling companion? Let’s explore the diverse roles I can play to enhance your journaling experience:

  1. Prompt Generator: Ignite your imagination with a wide array of creative writing prompts. From self-reflection to goal-setting, gratitude, and self-discovery, these prompts will inspire and invigorate your journal entries.
  2. The Wise Sage: Seek guidance from a wise and experienced mentor. I can provide profound insights, philosophical perspectives, and thought-provoking questions to help you navigate the complexities of life.
  3. Thought Partner: Engage in a dynamic dialogue as I become your conversational companion. Share your thoughts, experiences, or challenges, and I’ll respond with insightful questions, reflections, or alternative viewpoints to deepen your exploration.
  4. The Compassionate Listener: Express your emotions, thoughts, and concerns, knowing that I’m here to listen attentively without judgment. My presence creates a safe space where you can freely pour out your heart and mind.
  5. The Creative Muse: Awaken your artistic side and discover new realms of creativity. I can provide feedback, suggest ideas, and engage in imaginative storytelling exercises to fuel your creative endeavors and inspire your journaling practice.
  6. The Curious Explorer: Embark on a journey of exploration and discovery. Let me motivate you to venture into uncharted territories, push boundaries, and embrace new perspectives in your journaling practice.
  7. Insightful Analyzer: Share relevant data or personal information, such as productivity metrics, health data, or goals. I can help you analyze patterns, identify correlations, and pose insightful questions to uncover hidden insights and offer fresh perspectives.
  8. The Motivational Coach: Find encouragement and support as you pursue your aspirations. During setbacks or challenges, I’ll provide motivational quotes, actionable tips, and the necessary push to keep you focused and inspired.
  9. Personal Growth Facilitator: Embark on a journey of self-improvement, mindfulness, and positive habits. I’ll provide guidance, resources, and reflective exercises to aid you in your quest for personal growth and self-discovery.
  10. The Introspective Observer: Embrace deep introspection and self-reflection. Let me guide you to question your beliefs, values, and personal growth, ultimately leading to greater self-awareness.

Personifying these multifaceted personalities as journaling companions adds vibrancy and depth to your self-reflection process. By embracing their archetypes, you unlock the potential to explore your thoughts, emotions, and experiences from various angles, fostering a more holistic understanding of yourself. Through this exploration, you open doors to new realms of self-discovery, transformation, and the endless possibilities that journaling has to offer.

Together, let’s embark on this enriching journey of journaling with ChatGPT as your versatile companion.

Conclusion: The Future of Journaling with AI

I believe there is incredible transformative potential of AI as a journaling companion. My personal journaling and creative writing practices has evolved by incorporating AI. Specifically by using it to help me get new questions and stay open minded, ChatGPT has helped me cultivate new forms of self-awareness and become more of a collaborator, rather than a automated answer engine. By initially writing a few thoughts and then leveraging the power of generative AI, we can uncover personalized and dynamic questions, endless inspiration, and a non-judgmental environment with the ability to revolutionize traditional journaling methods.

Furthermore, as it shared in its “own words”, ChatGPT has emphasized the potential for contextualizing our journaling companion and the type of interaction we seek. As we continue to engage with present and future technologies like these, I believe that the way we contextualize the responses from AI personas will become increasingly significant. Just imagine the different perspectives you could receive when exploring a journal topic with a Motivational Coach, a Wise Sage, or a Curious Explorer as your journaling companion. Intentionally selecting a persona for your journaling companion and setting growth goals can have a profound impact on how you journal and reflect over time.

I’m curious to know your thoughts. How do you currently utilize AI in your journaling, productivity, or creative practices? And what are your predictions for the future of this hybrid AI-Human world?

AUTHOR NOTE: This post was inspired by Want to try journaling? Start by opening your phone or hiding it by Heather Kelly. That piece includes a few quotes from me on using AI for digital journaling and proved a good jumping off point for what I wrote below.

AIDA (AI Disclosure Acknowledgement): The following written content was generated by me with the assistance of an AI-based system (ChatGPT). Specifically I used it to help me in pre-writing phase, copyediting and drafting a few individual points. The section “Embracing Multifaceted Personalities…” was entirely generated by ChatGPT.